The Do’s of a Job Interview
Demonstrate you are the perfect candidate for this job by DOING the following regarding your job interview:
DO research the employer.
The quickest way to fail a job interview is to know nothing about the employer or to ask uninformed questions. Your research should include what the company does, where they are located, who works there, and how they are viewed. Also, thoroughly research your role and how it fits into the organization. Check the organization’s website, as well as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and other social networks. Google them to reach recent articles or news on the organization.
DO know the job and how you fit the job’s requirements.
Print the job description and study it carefully, particularly the requirements. Write down how you match each requirement. Then, document your successes that demonstrate you meet, or exceed, those requirements.
On the Day:
DO be alert, engaged and poised.
Sit up straight, lean slightly forward, and look your interviewer in the eye. Smile and engage with the interviewer and nod slightly as he or she speak. The more positive energy you project, the more confident the interviewer becomes in your “wanting” the join their team.
DO show up early.
Arrive ten to fifteen minutes early and well prepared for the job interview. If it is a Zoom or video interview, be ready to go well before the interview is scheduled to begin.
DO dress for success! Present yourself with a clean, tidy and well-groomed appearance.
Dress the part in the correct business attire for your industry and if you are unsure of the best clothing – opt for more formal. Present yourself clean, with your hair brushed and in place and have yourself pulled together and ready to go when the interview starts.
DO be prepared to answer the standard job interview questions and have your own questions prepared.
Study the commonly asked job interview questions, and prepare your custom responses in advance, and prepare relevant questions ready to ask the interviewers, this will show you are interested and researched the company.
DO treat everyone there with respect, from the people in the parking lot to the receptionist and the hiring manager.
The Don’ts of a Job Interview
In most cases, the people interviewing you want you to succeed. Make it easy for them to support you as a job candidate be avoiding making these mistakes.
Do NOT lie or misrepresent anything.
Given the speed and ease of accessing online information today, with access to all kinds of information from driving records and tax payments to college attendance, making a false claim on many things can be easily discovered.
Do NOT trash your employer or any co-workers.
Answering questions honestly is a requirement, but do not be negative about a current or former employer or co-worker. This is one of the biggest mistakes job candidates make. Saying anything negative is deadly. Focus on the positive aspects of the job and the people, even if you hated working there. When you are negative, the assumption typically made is that there are the proverbial “two sides to every story,” and the other side of this story may have something very negative to say about you.
Do NOT talk or text on your smartphone during the interview.
Focus completely on the job interview. Turn off your smartphone, and do not access it during the interview. In fact, keep it turned off until you leave the employer’s office.
Do NOT ask questions about background checks, drug tests, company hours, raises, holidays, and vacations — until the job enters negotiation stage.
Until you are negotiating a job offer, focus your questions on the content and requirement of this job. Remember the goal is for you and the potential employer to learn as much about each other to determine if the job is a good fit for you. Prematurely asking questions about background checks, benefits, raises, etc. will either raise a red flag or makes you look interested only in time off, not the content of the job and whether or not it is a good fit for you.
Do NOT eat while you are interviewing or participate in a phone interview while someone else is talking, watching TV or doing housework, etc.
Do NOT participate in a virtual interview while operating a vehicle or other large equipment.
Do NOT forget to send a thank you note after the interview.
A well-written thank you note is a differentiating touch, even when sent via email, but fewer than twenty-five percent of interviewees send them. Remember, the interview, and how you handle the whole process, is a sample of your work.